
Dietary Supplements


For Members:


Dietary supplements come in various forms, such as tablets, gummies, capsules, powders, liquids, and energy bars. And they include natural ingredients as vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and enzymes. These supplements can help you achieve a balance between the foods and nutrients you personally need, but they cannot replace the food. Excessive amounts of supplements can be bad for your health, even if they are considered “natural”. So, consult your healthcare provider before taking them. Dietary supplements are covered by Nextcare only if mentioned explicitly in the table of benefits, below are Examples of Dietary supplements:

  • Multivitamins labeled as Food or Dietary Supplements,
  • Multivitamins that are not used in the pregnancy or for treating known vitamin
  • deficiency,
  • Collagen,
  • Glucosamine,
  • Thioctic acid,
  • Co-Enzyme 10,
  • Fish oils


Why are dietary supplements not covered by insurance?
There are many reasons that the insurance companies are not covering the dietary supplement below are some

  • Dietary supplements are not used for the purpose of treating, diagnosing, or curing
  • Many supplements contain active ingredients that have strong biological effects on
  • the body. This makes them unsafe in some situations and might not have positive
  • impact on your health.
  • Most individuals are abusing and misusing dietary supplements for various reasons
  • or Dietary supplements can be misused.
  • Unlike medications, Dietary supplements can be replaced by a healthful diet.


What to do if your insurance policy does not cover dietary supplements?

  • Eat healthy foods as it is the best way to get all the required nutrients.
  • If you do take dietary supplements, always read the safety label that is included in the packaging.
  • Ask your healthcare provider if the supplement you’re considering would be safe and beneficial for you.
  • Keep in mind that even if your doctor prescribes a certain dietary supplement, your insurance might not cover it as per your policy terms and conditions.



For Healthcare Providers:


When prescribing a dietary supplement please always inform the member about the policy exclusions, because most of the insurance plans are not covering it. If the policy is not covering dietary supplement, the below rejection reason will be received: The rejection reason mapped to M009: The rejection reason mapped to this denial is NCOV-003: Service(s) is (are) not covered.