Basic life support is more commonly known as CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and is actions performed on someone whose heart has stopped. The aim is to buy enough time until emergency services arrive. It can be performed by medical personnel and anyone who is qualified in First Aid.
Why is it so important?
BLS is critical in saving lives. It is extremely important in increasing the survival rate of people who have undergone cardiac arrest. Each year, ambulance services receive thousands of calls from suspected cardiac arrests. However, they are only able to perform resuscitation in about half of them at the most because the rest have expired due to not receiving bystander CPR.
So what do we do when we recognize someone who needs help?
Watch demonstration in this video.
Blom M, Beesems S, Homma P, Ziljlstra J, Hulleman M, van Hoeijen D et al. Improved Survival After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Use of Automated External Defibrillators. Ciculation. 2014;130(21);1868-1875.
Perkins G, Lockey A, de Belder M, Moore F. Weissberg P, Gray H. National initiatives to improve outcomes from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in England. Emergency Medicine Journal. 2015;33(7);448-451.